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Christmas fun-day 2024 

Our Christmas Fun-day no 2


A total of 33 members and partners attended on December 15th which commenced with a warming cup of mulled wine at 10.45am. To note that 8 bottles or 6 litres of this mulled wine was enjoyed by all – it boded well to start the fun games at 11am!!.

The weather was not unkind to us – slightly windy as indicated by our flag being horizontal and we stayed fairly dry. When the sun did glimpse through on occasions it was a welcome feeling of warmth.


Line Boule – was a game to get all lubricated (not just by Mulled wine) and after around 8 pitches the final was between Linda Johnson & Barbera Waddington.

Linda emerged victorious.


Odd Arm Boules – was predictably chaotic (The rules are only guidance!). What did transpire that some players were very good in using their weaker arm.

The final was between Tim Tregonning and Adrian Clemens, a strong start by Adrian was difficult to counter with Tim being extremely close to knocking with his last boule.

Adrian was the winner.

(Will we now see some players using both arms to throw a boule?)


The Melee

All was well with 27 players arranged in 9 teams. The late arrival of a committee member (poor excuse) did not phase our organiser, and we all enjoyed 2 timed games. It was a close-run result (7-point difference) between Ray Smith, Mick Skipp & Vicky Howard over Sue Smith, Jenny Skipp and Peter Tombs.

Well done to Ray, Mick and Vicky

(We all need to watch the Smiths and Skipps in future!.)

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